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Nesting Boxes

The ultimate cozy nesting home for the bird and her little chicks. Our environmentally friendly nesting boxes are made from sustainable materials, are waterproof and have insulated walls that possess two and a half times the insulation value of timber. The floor is removable for end of season cleaning. Approved by BirdWatch Ireland.

Choosing a Nesting Box

Black nesting box (50mm diameter entry opening)
Suitable for attracting robin, pied/grey Wagtail, spotted flycatcher, green finches. Locate the box between 1 - 2 metres above ground level for the robin, ideally covered by hedging. Or 2 - 4 metres for wagtails, spotted flycatcher and green finches.
Blue nesting box (32mm diameter entry hole)
Suitable for attracting house sparrow, nuthatch, pied flycatcher, tits. Locate the nesting box greater than 4 metres above ground level.
Red Nesting Box (25mm diameter entry hole)
Suitable for attracting blue tit, coal tit, tree sparrow and wren. Locate 2 metres above ground level for blue tit, coal tit and sparrow. For wren, 1-1.5 metres partially covered (bushes, etc).
Yellow nesting box (28mm diameter entry hole)
Suitable for attracting great tit and blue tit. Locate the nesting box greater than 2 metres above ground level.

Installation Instructions

The nesting box should face between north and east to avoid direct sunlight and prevailing wind. Insert a stainless steel or brass screw into the tree or wall on which the nesting box is to be hung. Hang the nesting box securely using the keyhole bracket included.

Maintaining your nesting boxes

The nesting box can be accessed via the sliding door at the base to remove the old nest after breeding season (September or October). Wash with hot water.

The Cuckoos Garden selection of bird boxes are the perfect space for birds to bring up their families in spring and summer and will also provide shelter in the winter for hibernation. Our roofed nesting boxes possesses all of the features the optimal bird box should have.  The nesting box is very attractive, yet practical for nesting. Our unique eco-friendly design offers waterproof / insulated walls of that possess two and a half times the insulation value of timber, thus providing the ultimate cozy nesting home for the bird and her little chicks. The floor is removable at the end of season cleaning. Holes for drainage and ventilation at the base and the top. Our decorative bird nest boxes are ideal for small birds. The design is strong and sturdy and has a keyhole slot for hanging and an opening back for annual cleaning. It features a slanted roof, an entrance hole, a generously proportioned living space and an attractive exterior. The Cuckoos Garden nesting box is perfect for little birds and a beautiful way to brighten up your garden and help out our eco system in the process. Unlike larger migratory birds who move south during the cold winter, smaller birds can find it hard to are to travel long distances. Nesting boxes allows you to provide our feathered friends with protected and attractive home. Our packaging provides easy to follow instructions to locate and orientate the nesting box for optimum results as well as advice on suitable elevations to locate your nesting box to attract the desired species of bird. Approved by Bird Watch Ireland, where bird care is top priority. Suitable for GLAS biodiversity agri-environment scheme.